Message from the President & CEO at the Beginning of the Year

Taiju Hisai, President and CEO of Mitsubishi HC Capital, prepared a message outlining his vision for the Mitsubishi HC Capital Group for 2024. He emphasised that he is very excited to create this organisation together with 9,000 employees worldwide.

"Firstly, I am deeply grieved and saddened at the news of the large number of people who lost their lives or suffered injuries as a result of the earthquake that struck the Noto peninsula in Japan on January 1, 2024. As aftershocks continue to shake in the region, our employees and their families may feel uneasy. My thoughts are always with everyone suffering and I keep on praying for quick recovery of those affected by the earthquake.

I’d like to say a few words to mark the beginning of the year.

Looking back on 2023, we saw steadily growing geopolitical uncertainty with the prolonged Russian invasion of Ukraine and conflict between Israel and Hamas. However, it was a year in which we also saw energized business activity owing to genuine recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.

In this context, thanks to all of your concerted efforts, having completed the two-year post-merger integration process announced at the beginning of our merger as scheduled, we began the 2025 MTMP in April 2023, and marked the real starting point of Mitsubishi HC Capital Group. Steady progress on initiatives in the 2025 MTMP has been made, and I am grateful to all of you for coming together as one and working toward achieving our objectives.

On that note, this is something I mention at every opportunity, but an important keyword in carrying out the 2025 MTMP is “transformation.” To realize Our 10-year Vision of “Together we innovate, challenge and explore the frontiers of the future,” creating customer value through corporate transformation (CX)—that is, transformation across the entire Group—is essential. I ask that each of you always keep “transformation” in the front of your minds. Also, you should recognize the risks associated with complacency is the first step toward regression as you go about your work. Achieving transformation requires great power. Yet without transformation, there can be no growth or progress. And there is no future for the Mitsubishi HC Capital Group if we simply stay on the same path. I aim to lead the charge as we undergo transformation. Let’s show the world a new Mitsubishi HC Capital Group.

In 2023, thanks also to the recovery from COVID-19, I was able to get together with many of you—including those of you at overseas Group companies—for lively exchanges. In each occasion, I felt keenly the enthusiasm with which you are all working toward achieving our goals. This gave me great confidence. Although with COVID-19 we saw positives such as the acceleration and increased efficiency of digitalization, 2023 was a year which reaffirmed the importance of seeing each other in person and witnessing the situations at your places. I hope I can meet with many of you in 2024 as well. In closing, I am excited to take on a variety of challenges together with all of you again in 2024.

I wish for good health for you and your families, and that this year will be fulfilling for each of you, both personally and professionally."

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